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A Family History of the Fermanagh Tottenhams

This theme focuses on a distinguished Fermanagh family who left a deep imprint on the Parish of Inishmacsaint. Tottenham family members played a pivotal role in the army and the Church. Emily Frances Maclean, wife of George Tottenham established a world class lace industry 'Inishmacsaint Lace' along with her sisters. The theme covers links to the Ely Estate in West Fermanagh and the many colourful personalities of the Tottenham family. It is based on an exhibition meticulously researched and drawn together by members of the Fermanagh Genealogy Centre, located at Enniskillen Castle. The Centre’s aim is to promote the heritage of Fermanagh along with the study of family history. To find out more about Fermanagh Genealogy Centre please click here: https://www.enniskillencastle.co.uk/visit/fermanagh-genealogy-centre/

1. Ely Estate

The Tottenham family is involved in the story of the Ely Estate.

2. Church

Parish of Inishmacsaint

3. Lace

4. Army