"'Prince Arthur’s Arrrival by Boat at Ely Lodge in Fermanagh as shown in The London Illustrated News"
15 May 1869
Height: 21cm
Width: 28cm
Width: 28cm
In May 1869, Prince Arthur's tour of Ireland was to include a visit to Ely Lodge, on Lower Lough Erne, to which he had been invited by Jane, Marchioness of Ely, at the time lady-in-waiting to his mother, Queen Victoria. The Illustrated London News of May 15 1869 depicts the arrival of the royal party by boat and the tiny figure of Lady Ely (presumably) waiting in front of Ely Lodge to welcome them. However, all is not as it seems! Hidden away near the end of the article is an account of how the the prince's plans had been upset by poor weather so that he never made it to Fermanagh. This did not prevent The Illustrated London News from including two illustrations of Lough Erne in the article. Ely Lodge as shown was destroyed in 1870. This view illustrates its plastered bows, although shown as straight rather than curved.
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