"The Bishop's Stone"
Width: 60cm
Height: 55cm
Height: 55cm
This 12th century carving of a bishop, one of four unusual figurative sculptures of that period from Aghalurcher graveyard, near Lisnaskea, was probably part of a Romanesque church on the site. The bishop, shown with long bearded face and wide ears, wears a conical mitre, a belt and a short skirt, and holds a sharply pointed crozier and a decorated gospel book or book shrine.
Twelfth century carvings of bishops are also found on a number of High Crosses, reflecting the improved status and importance of bishops following the diocesan reforms of the Irish Church at that time. Formerly, the stone was used as a gravestone, and, according to tradition, marked the burial place of Bishop Roger or Ross Maguire, who died in 1483.
Kindly lent by the Historic Environment Division, DfC
Historic Environment Division, DfC
Tony Corey
Tony Corey
Object number