Photograph, Taylor-Woods Pantomime Dress Rehearsal, 1948.
Length: 8.8cm
Width: 6.4cm
Width: 6.4cm
The enthusiastic and energetic cast involved in Taylor-Woods pantomime in 1948. This photograph was taken during a dress rehearsal.
Those photographed are not all identified, however, the following people were identified: Alan Harte, David Ellis, ? Chio, M. Clintock, Ivor Cathcart, Patricia Murphy, I. Watson, ? Sullivan, Jean M. Irwin, L.M. Bride, Kitty Gault and B.Mills.
This particular photograph is featured in 'The Spinning Wheel' magazine, January 1949, page 6. The following information can be read: "Our pantomime will have been launched and the excitement over by the time this report is in print. We must however, pay high tribute to the patient and tolerant cast, who have done a grand job, and hope to continue on tour and raise sufficient money in an effort to provide a sports field convenient to the new Factory. Heartiest congratulations to the Producer, Mr. James Menaul, for his brilliant achievement, the success of which, we hope, will compensate for the many headaches it must have caused him. The picture is taken during a dress rehearsal though we hope to have a more elaborate picture for our next issue."
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