"Letter between Henderson & Eadie & Porter"
Henderson & Eadie & Porter
Length: 20.3cm
Width: 12.7cm
Width: 12.7cm
Sir//In reply to your letter of the 24th given to us by Mr Beatty we have to say that we think the 2 clauses mentioned in your letters are reasonable and fair and would wish to see them inserted in the lease but would not wish you to decline the lease unless they are granted.
In the agreement between you and us there is a clause prohibiting us from making any additions to the premises without your consent we wish you to strike out that clause as it may be made prejudicial to our interests and may become injurious to our families when we are gone.//Yours truly//Henderson & Eadie'[Third page, second letter (copy) reads the following:] Copy//Belleisle//April 24th 1869//To Messers Henderson & Eadie//Mr Joseph Beatty tells me form you that as my Father will not agree to clauses enabling me (1) to improve the water power at my own cost, & (2) to use the premises for any kind of manufacture if so required. You therefore wish me to decline his lease. I agree with you as the 2 faculties above sought by me are most fair just and reasonable and their absence would to a great degree reduce the value of the lease in case of any assignment and of course I could not give you what I did not first get myself. However I wish you clearly write your view on back as then and with the support of all powering opinion his agent perhaps my Father will withdraw his refusal.//Yours truly//JGV Porter'
Kindly given by Roland Eadie
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