"Letter from The Irish Press to Matt Duggan"
5 November 1973
Dear Mr. Duggan,//It is with a good deal of reluctance that I send this story back to you. My reason - and this is not a criticism but merely the expression of a personal objection - is that I find the central idea of the mixed parentage revelation rather melodramatic. Obviously there must be many who would not feel this to be too old-fashioned a peg to use as the emotional fulcrum of a short story, but I cannot rid myself of the conviction that in this particular context it is a bit too dated.//However, I hasten to add that for long stretches of the story your writing lifts it far above the level of melodrama - indeed even the revelation scene itself between mother and son is brilliantly realised and the depiction of the mother is quite masterly. I thought the introductory page and a half would improve with compression but, this apart, the writing in the story is probably your best yet.//I sympathise with your worry about the lack of good markets to send your work; and this is complicated by the fact that, your themes and treatment might have very little appeal for the non-Irish short story reader. Regional themes and treatment are most popular still in the novel and your natural gift for story-telling suggests to me that the more extended plotting required would give you a little difficulty. And I could add that any leaning in a plot towards the melodramatic, which (for some people!) might irrevocably in a novel where it might provide colour and where there is ample scope for compensatory balances.//If you have any ideas for a novel, you should try one. If I can help in any way - either by providing a reaction to any suggestions or summaries of possible plots, or by reading it in manuscript as it progresses - I'd be glad to do so. But of course if you prefer to keep on with stories, I am as interested as ever in seeing what you produce. Have no thoughts that you are a nuisance. The very opposite, in fact. You have a real talent and your writing gives me genuine enjoyment - for which I am grateful. But, as you know, authorship is a hard road so don't expect too much return. Hope for it but don't expect it.
I am delighted to hear that one of your rooms will be in 'The Honest Ulsterman' - it is a good magazine which I know well. And the news that a publishing company may issue a booklet of your poetry is very encouraging. Obviously I was wrong in my assessment of their possible appeal.//I shall be interested to hear the reaction of 'Ireland's Own' to the new version of 'The Old Typewriter'. If they should send it back to you, perhaps you'd let me see it before trying it elsewhere. Naturally, I hope it doesn't come back - even though I think it is rather too good for that particular market.// Best wishes,//David Marcus//LITERARY EDITOR
Kindly given by Gerry Duggan, Kinawley (son of Matt Duggan)
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